be possessed of artinya
- possessed: menguasai; mengamuk; kejam
- possessed of: memiliki
- self-possessed: dapat menguasaia diri; tenang
- Then, like all dreamers, I was possessed of a sudden with supernatural powers and passed like a spirit through the barrier before me.
Kemudian, seperti semua pemimpi, tiba-tiba kekuatan gaib merasukiku. - According to innate dignity, Human being possessed of the right of living among other creatures.
Atas dasar "hak istimewa" yang dimiliki laki-laki, mereka juga merasa memiliki hak untuk mengeksploitasi tubuh perempuan. - In 1038, he gave over comital rights which had been possessed of his house since the reign of his great-grandfather William the Liberator to his vassals, losing control over many castles and fortresses.
Pada tahun 1038, ia menyerahkan hak-hak comital yang telah menjadi milik istananya sejak pada masa pemerintahan kakek buyutnya Guillaume sang Penakluk kepada pengikutnya, kehilangan kendali banyak kastil dan benteng. - From an expression of Pausanias, it appears that Lysandra must at this time have accompanied Seleucus I, and was possessed of much influence, but in the confusion that followed the death of Seleucus I a few months after there is no further record either of her or her children.
Dari ekspresi Pausanias, tampaknya Lysandra saat ini menemani Seleukos I, dan memiliki banyak pengaruh, namun yang membingungkan setelah kematian Seleukos I beberapa bulan setelah itu tidak ada catatan lebih lanjut mengenai dirinya atau anak-anaknya. ^ Dodson, Aidan and Hilton, Dyan.